Titans prepared to draft 'best player available'

Discussion in 'NFL Draft' started by KyTitansFan, Mar 29, 2013.

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  1. griff33daddy

    griff33daddy Starter

    jordan reed wont last till our comp pick in the 3rd let alone the 4th and i dont think rodgers will last to our comp pick either....heck i could be wrong but there is just no way i see it...
  2. 2ToneBlueBlood

    2ToneBlueBlood Pro Bowler

    Reed is a stretch, just hoping TE isn't a need for some teams, or TE needy teams will address it earlier or in FA. I think Da'Rick could be there though. His baggage scares a lot of teams.
  3. griff33daddy

    griff33daddy Starter

    no doubt about rodgers and his baggage but i dont think that will stop a team like cinci or even the pats from taking him....can you see rodgers with green with bernard or lacy running the ball for them...

    reed will go in the 2nd i think due to his field stretching ability and the success of hernadez who he is compared too, 3rd at the latest
  4. Finnebosch

    Finnebosch I am vengeance.

    To get an extra second we'd have to trade back to the 20 at the earliest and while Warford, Truant, and Fluker would likely be there I think we should just take BPA at 10
  5. xpmar9x

    xpmar9x The Real Slim Shady

    Not happening. Best case scenario is we get another 3rd. I'd rather do this:

    Swap 1st w/ Miami or TB (for Lane or Xavier) - pickup an additional 3rd.

    1st (TB/MIA) - Chance Warmack, G, Bama
    2nd (OURS) - DeAndre Hopkins, WR, Clemson
    3rd (OURS) - Corey Lemonier, DE, Auburn
    3rd (TB/MIA) - Barrett Jones, G/C, Bama
    3rd (Comp) - Leon McFadden, CB, San Diego St
    4th (OURS) - AJ Klien, ILB, Iowa St
    5th (OURS) - Kerwynn Williams, RB, Utah St
    6th (OURS) - RayRay Armstrong, S, Miami

    We finalize our offensive line, Warmack starts @ guard. Jones backsup interior spots, potential replacement for Velasco year 2. Hopkins is our starting slot receiver. Lemonier can get after the QB, reminds me of Wimbley, #3 DE. Hopefully, we still go out and pickup a vet FA CB, McFadden/Coty/TC battle for #4 CB playing time. AJ backs up McCarthy, and will likely see time once he gets hurt. Kerwynn will battle w/ Reynald for both a RB roster spot and returner. RayRay depth, PS.

    Another option, same trade as above. Then flip our 2nd w/ a 3rd to move into late 1st. Say a team like GB @ #26 wouldn't mind slipping 14 spots and picking up an addt'l 3rd. We only do this if Desmond Trufant falls below 20, which he shouldnt IMO. We then do this:

    1st (TB/MIA) - Chance Warmack, G, Bama
    1st (Late 1st) - Desmond Trufant, CB, Washington
    3rd (TB/MIA) - Corey Lemonier, DE, Auburn
    3rd (Comp) - Quinton Patton, WR, Louisana Tech
    4th (OURS) - AJ Klien, ILB, Iowa St
    5th (OURS) - Kerwynn Williams, RB, Utah St
    6th (OURS) - RayRay Armstrong, S, Miami
    • High Five High Five x 1
  6. Finnebosch

    Finnebosch I am vengeance.

    This is my last draft as I will now be spending most of my free time watching baseball:
    10th overall) Ezekiel Ansah, DE, BYU
    40th overall) Manti Te’o, LB, Notre Dame
    70th overall) Brian Winters, OG, Kent St
    96th overall) Aaron Dobson, WR, Marshall
    107th overall) BW Webb, CB, College of W&M
    142nd overall) Quanterous Smith, DE, Western Kentucky
    202nd overall) Cooper Taylor, S, Richmond
    216th overall) Brandon Moore, DT, University of Texas
    248th overall) Jordan Rodgers, QB, Vanderbuilt
  7. xpmar9x

    xpmar9x The Real Slim Shady


  8. Finnebosch

    Finnebosch I am vengeance.

    The last two seasons we've drafted a linebacker with first round talent who has fallen into the second.

    Say what you will about Te'o but he is still a great linebacker prospect.
  9. xhrr

    xhrr Starter

    too much baggage and bs for our FO to pull the trigger. We don't need the distractions in a do or die year and we aren't a veteran team which is where he needs to go.
  10. xpmar9x

    xpmar9x The Real Slim Shady

    Pretty much nailed it.

    Add in that he was never that good, just hyped up by the media and was on a championship contender team (which is a joke). He gets alot of tackles, which are assisted, isn't that athletic, tackles 5+ yards back, but a smart/instinctive player... he's Barrett Ruud 2.0
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