Titans to make a run at Mario Williams?!?

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by lilkhmerkid4u, Mar 12, 2012.

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  1. pettso

    pettso Starter

    Yeah it worries me that it seems like Bud went completely behind their backs to the media to force their hand. Maybe they're on board though and don't want to let on because they don't want to upset Hasselbeck/Locker in the case that it doesn't work out.

    That way they can save face and be like "look, we can't control what the owner does. We were behind you guys the entire time."
  2. TorontoTitanFan

    TorontoTitanFan Pro Bowler

    Also, the decision isn't about Manning vs. Hasselbeck. Hasselbeck won't be starting for this team in 2012.

    The decision is Manning vs. Locker.

    And I don't believe it can be both. As I have argued before, I think Locker is gone if Manning is signed. Maybe not right away, but I have a hard time seeing Manning mentoring Locker and then eventually passing off the team to him.
  3. Alex1939

    Alex1939 Space Invaders Champion

    Maybe next year if Manning appears to be able to play for many more years. But really what is Locker going to do? He's under contract. He has not been guaranteed the starting job for this next season. I don't see that it changes much for 2012 except that he won't have Hasselbeck to hang out with.
  4. TorontoTitanFan

    TorontoTitanFan Pro Bowler

    Yeah, I wouldn't expect it to happen in 2012. I edited my earlier post to clarify that.
  5. pettso

    pettso Starter

    Doubt Locker will be gone. A team will have to offer their 1st to make the Titans move him (Seattle might, especially if Miami gets Flynn).

    Edit: You may be right if Manning works out and shows he can play for another 3-5 years. In which case, we'll likely be superbowl contenders in each of those years. As much as I like Locker, I'd be alright with making that sacrifice.
  6. TorontoTitanFan

    TorontoTitanFan Pro Bowler

    I am talking down the road. If Manning comes to Tennessee and plays for 2-3 years (his contract would be at least that long), it would completely stall Locker's development. Locker knows he is ready to start now. I think he would eventually end up asking for a trade.
  7. amy

    amy Starter

    That would be the worst decision the Titans ever made aside from the VY hire. There is no promise that Manning will last past the first game he plays. Why would any team give up a future great QB for a questionable 36 year old who doesn't have that many years left even if he's healthy. I don't understand the logic.

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    Aaron Rodgers claims he benefited none from siting behind Favre. All it did was allow him to build some arm strength up, but Locker has a cannon already.

    And Manning can't hit 50-yards right now, why would be dump Hasselbeck for that?
  9. TorontoTitanFan

    TorontoTitanFan Pro Bowler

    This is exactly what worries me. As great as Manning could be (and I would be as pumped as anyone to see him in a Titans uniform), I really worry that it's the wrong decision. It's the quick fix vs. the tougher road, but the one that might lead to a better long-term outlook.

    I think I side with keeping Locker and starting him in 2012 and beyond. Maybe I am totally crazy.

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    IMO he's not a quick fix. Manning is a full year way from being his old self. He's going to hold a team back early on if you ask me.
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