Titans to make a run at Mario Williams?!?

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by lilkhmerkid4u, Mar 12, 2012.

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  1. Gunny

    Gunny Shoutbox Fuhrer

    Texans are apparently releasing Eric Winston...could be trying to resign Mario?
  2. MikeyDay

    MikeyDay Clutch like a stick shift

    This is what im sayin. If we lose out on Williams AND Manning then we screwed that big time. However i do think pickin up Reggie Wayne and Dallas Clark would be possible too. Peyton would want to play with his old teammates im sure if it could happen. Our offense would be crazy if we got good lineman in the draft. Either a guard or center. But of course this is just if it even happens. High risk though.
  3. Alzarius

    Alzarius Pro Bowler Tip Jar Donor

    It really looks like the Texans are trying to make some cap room. Id assume its for Mario.
  4. TorontoTitanFan

    TorontoTitanFan Pro Bowler

    It will be really, really hard to stomach the Titans missing out on Mario Williams because Bud is in love with Manning. Mario is the player the Titans should be targeting.
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    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    the texans have said they want to keep mario. I think that means they don't keep him. houston tells a lot of lies

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  6. onetontitan

    onetontitan Marioto

    It's going to suck a whole lot more when we realize that we missed out on Carr, Freeney and O-line prospects simply because we are chasing some old fool's dream.

    Jake Locker went 8th overall last year. What would be the point in picking up Manning if Locker's contract expires in 2014? You don't think Manning will play that long? I think he will. Are we going to extend Jake's contract without seeing him touch the field all the while paying Manning a ridiculous salary? Jake would request a trade, he wants to play. He's a competitor.

    Manning's weapons in Tennessee?

    1) Britt- Injured more often than not
    2) Washington- Lacks speed and elusiveness, mainly a catch and done WR.
    3) Cook- How can someone with low football IQ do well with Manning?
    4) D. Williams- Jury is still out.
    5) Hawkins- He catches everything....if it's within 30 yards.

    I have one question to ask all of the Peyton nut swingers...what are we going to do about the defensive line? Here's how it looks right now:

    99 Jurrell Casey DT (can play)
    69 Zach Clayton DT (hasn't played)
    -- Keyunta Dawson DT (who?)
    -- Lamar Divens DT (who?)
    79 Pannel Egboh DE (who?)
    97 Karl Klug DT (can play)
    94 Sen'Derrick Marks DT (sucks)
    90 Derrick Morgan DE (moving into "BUST"LAND)
    96 Malcolm Sheppard DT (who?)
    93 Shaun Smith DT (waste of space)
    • High Five High Five x 2
  7. Alex1939

    Alex1939 Space Invaders Champion

    Sign an average free agent defensive lineman and draft one, just like we were going to do? Do you somehow think signing Manning is going to bankrupt us?
  8. pettso

    pettso Starter

    We can sign Manning, Freeney, Wayne and Clark. Sweet bro.
  9. ImATitan

    ImATitan Pro Bowler

    This however isn't good...

    ESPN's Adam Schefter reports that the Titans had planned to make a serious run at free agent Mario Williams, but the organization's focus has now "shifted" toward free agent Peyton Manning.
    Meddlesome 90-year-old owner Bud Adams really threw a wrench into what appeared to be a well-concocted plan. The Titans have promising Jake Locker ready to start at quarterback, and Williams would have given the club a top-flight pass rusher it has lacked since Jevon Kearse and Kyle Vanden Bosch. Instead, Adams' dead-setness on Manning may cost Tennessee its shot at Williams.
  10. onetontitan

    onetontitan Marioto

    You're kidding right? While we're at it, let's sign Mario Williams and be in salary cap hell for the next 10 years!
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