VY and Fisher Will Not Be Together Next Season

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by stump1000, Dec 23, 2010.

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  1. nickmsmith

    nickmsmith Most poverty RB core.

    No, but they won at least one playoff game. Peyton has a ring, and Marino was in the super bowl. They are successes. Vince hasn't gotten out of the Wild Card round. Nice try.

    I didn't say you had to win a Super Bowl to be a good QB, but you need to make SOME noise in the playoffs.

    Regular season wonders like Romo might give some impression of greatness, but it is in the playoffs where greatness is made and lost. It's hard to be great if you don't even get there.
  2. therealtrueblue

    therealtrueblue Camp Fodder

    i can agree with you on all 3 points but to be fair our 16year coach has only won 5 playoff games (3 in 1999) and it would be nice to have a coach who can taylor to his strenghts.

    im by no means trying to blame VYs shortcomings on fisher because a lot of what your talking about comes from VY. not studying film, not working as hard in the offseason, losing the coaches trust etc.

    all im saying is i think we should give the dude one more shot with a REAL HC. if VY had a HC that new what he was doing and VY himself did all of the things i listed above (except losing the coaches trust) than we would be SB contenders (with a decent D) and he would be a top 10 QB

    i agree with you about romo. the only reason people though he was so great when he came out is because they had been dealing with bledsoe
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  3. nickmsmith

    nickmsmith Most poverty RB core.

    Without a doubt, Fisher has been a lame duck since McNair started going downhill in 2004.
  4. Deuce Wayne


    Maybe if we didn't turn in to the most predictable team in the NFL in the playoffs, Vince may have a shot at winning a game there. We didn't win a playoff game when we were 13-3 (Collins), either. Just maybe it's not the QB.

    If you're doubting his ability to perform when it matters, I can show you a pretty entertaining game vs the USC Trojans he was involved in.

    Vince is still young and relatively inexperienced in the playoffs. How long did it take Peyton to stop getting blown out by teams like the Jets in the playoffs?
  5. nickmsmith

    nickmsmith Most poverty RB core.

    I don't like Fisher, and I most definitely wouldn't lose sleep if he were fired, but he put us in a good position to win that game. I was there. Alge Fumbler and Lendale screwed up that game. I cannot blame Fisher's playcalling for that loss. You can't stop people from fumbling in enemy territory in crucial times.

    Yeah, I saw that. How many National Championship QBs are Super Bowl winners again????? Nobody since Joe Montana. Not one in 20 years. only 3 EVER.
    You know as well as anyone that being a QB in the NFL is a lot different than running over College kids, many of which will never sniff an NFL practice squad. Using his college resume' means very little at this point. Good QBs don't need to use that. When's the last time you heard about Manning or Brady's college exploits?

    Peyton kept getting to the playoffs by carrying the team on his back. He earned those multiple chances at the Super Bowl. I could only pray that Vince gets that many shots at it.
  6. Vigsted

    Vigsted Starter

    Matt Cassell, Matt Schaub, Jay Cutler, Carson Palmer also suck then I take it?

    But Aaron Rodgers is an elite QB because of his single PO win?

    Frankly I think your reasoning is the dumbest I've read to date. You judge a player by how he plays, not by the outcome of individual games.
  7. nickmsmith

    nickmsmith Most poverty RB core.

    Not that one Playoff win make you elite, but to ever be a solid QB, you need to have some playoff wins. Period.
    Schaub is another regular season wonder, Cassell has only had a few seasons, and on two different teams. This is Cutler's first winning season since high school, and the only reason Palmer didn't get his wins is because he was injured on a freak play against the Steelers.

    They will never be known as great quarterbacks without playoff wins. the QB position is different than say, Barry Sanders. A QB controls the ball on every snap, and they are ultimately the decider of the team's fate the majority of the time.

    No, you do judge people by the outcome of the games. Who is the greatest QB to never win a playoff game???Answer: Who cares.
  8. Vigsted

    Vigsted Starter

    But it helps to have a team that a) can give you more than 1 opportunity and b) can help you win. As another poster pointed out, it's not like the Titans have racked up PO wins without Young at QB.
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  9. nickmsmith

    nickmsmith Most poverty RB core.

    Good quarterbacks make their own opportunities for the playoffs. Some do have more help than others, though.

    EDIT: Jerr, you don't think that's true??? Don't think Brady and Manning have willed their way into the playoffs before with no running game??? Well, looks like they're doing it this year.
  10. Big Time Titan

    Big Time Titan Big Time Titan

    This is my thinking too. Funny that some make it seem like we've been this dominant team without Vince.

    The 08 team was the best team that Fisher has ever had and while Kerry played good he wasn't great either. We went 13-3 because we had #92 on D, not because Kerry Collins is great nor because Fisher's strategy is great.
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