VY and Fisher Will Not Be Together Next Season

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by stump1000, Dec 23, 2010.

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  1. Big Time Titan

    Big Time Titan Big Time Titan

    But we didn't make the playoffs.
  2. Obie09

    Obie09 Pro Bowler

    We were 0-6 when VY finally got a start. No team in NFL history has made the playoffs starting 0-6.
  3. CJtheBeast

    CJtheBeast Starter

    VY played great his rookie year, last year, and this year. He had a sophomore slump. Those are the facts.

    Rookie year ~ made us playoff contenders
    Last year ~ 8-2
    This year ~ Best passer rating, highest PPG, 5-2 start.
  4. CJtheBeast

    CJtheBeast Starter

    This dude is just anti-Vince Young. It doesn't matter what you say he'll make an excuse.

    "But we didn't make playoffs..."

    Yea...that was Vince Young's fault genius.
  5. dbc5631

    dbc5631 Starter

    Put on your thinking cap.
    The 2000/01 Titans were the best Titans team ever.
    Is Washington 13-3 this year because of #92?
    It's not that people think we can win a playoff game without VY as much as as long as he's here he's keeping the true Franchise QB from getting here. He has been for 5 years now.
  6. dbc5631

    dbc5631 Starter

    Also, If the VY enablers truly think he's being held back and would be a totally different, SB winning QB with a change of scenery and leadership who's to say Matt Leinart wouldn't have developed different with the Titans?
  7. Titanite

    Titanite Pulling for VY...Sue me.

    No can say this. This is an alternate reality situation which we will never get to experience.

    Frankly, no one cares about Leinart but Fisher and the lapdog he has trolling this message board day-in, day-out.
  8. Big Time Titan

    Big Time Titan Big Time Titan

    I think you just missed my point. I wasn't bashing Vince. Gunny was defending Vince against people who say that he sucks in the playoffs because he's only played one playoff game. Which isn't fair. So when you mentioned the great run we finished on last year was good just pointed out that we didn't make the playoffs.

    Haha me, HoustonOiler84, anti-VY? I'm just gonna assume you ain't never read none of my posts before. Hearing somebody call me anti-VY is like calling me a honky. It's funny but I'm not white.
  9. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    didn't 'the Diva' want too sit out the second half of the PO game? - just sayin'
  10. CJtheBeast

    CJtheBeast Starter

    I called you know such thing. I don't care what color you are. Do you even know what color I am? Is that even relevant.

    You don't know football. That's what I gather from reading your post. You probably play Madden and watch a lot of TV. That's what I gather.

    Some people have it, some people don't. Vince Young has it. He's won a college championship in spectacular fashion. All of those other QB's haven't. Give him the right system and he'll do it again. He's literally taken over games while he's been a Titan. Until he stops winning I'll support him. Talk about his immaturatiy all you want but he's beaten those "more mature" QB's all his life and has continued to do it in the NFL.
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