Which physical store generally has the cheapest games

Discussion in 'Video Games' started by Gunny, Mar 29, 2014.

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  1. Gunny

    Gunny Shoutbox Fuhrer


    I'll see if I can catch it when I get to NY next week. Thanks.
  2. Preditan

    Preditan --- --- --- --- Staff


    NY will be awesome. The flight, however....:bored:
  3. Scarecrow

    Scarecrow All-Pro

    I'd try and snag South Park, GTA, and GoW for censorship reasons. I don't think TLoU would really need to be censored......
  4. Scarecrow

    Scarecrow All-Pro

    I guess TLoU has been.....sounds nothing in the story has been, but I'd still knock one of the above off.....
  5. SawdustMan

    SawdustMan #ChampChamp

    What's this "physical store" you speak of?

    Generally, avoid Best Buy. They may have some deals here and there. But you can almost always find a better deal elsewhere. I go through Amazon 9 times out of 10 but if it's a situation where I cannot wait for shipping I'll go to Gamestop or even Walmart. I've seen games new at Walmart for less than Gamestop was selling them used. But I've also seen better prices at Gamestop. Just depends on what you're looking for.

    E.G. Walmart.com has Last of Us listed for $40 while Gamestop.com has Last of Us USED for $55. But GTAV is $50 at Walmart and $40 at Gamestop.
  6. SawdustMan

    SawdustMan #ChampChamp

    If you've never played Skyrim it should definitely be bumped up your list. Best game of this console generation IMHO. There's not even a close second for my money. Not even GTA V.
  7. Fry

    Fry Welcome to the land of tomorrow!

    When you arrive in NYC google map video game stores. I'm sure there are a ton of independently owned stores all over the place there. Mom and pop stores rule that city.

    You can find some awesome stuff in those little stores sometimes.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  8. Preditan

    Preditan --- --- --- --- Staff


    Agreed. It's hard to believe Skyrim was released 3 years ago.
  9. Ten_Titans

    Ten_Titans Pro Bowler

    As an avid Bethesda fan, I have to say GTA V beats it.

    The 10 year old combat engine in Skyrim ruins it. There is no challenge unless you provide it artificially. And the story is no where near as good as Oblivion or Fallout 3, IMO. I didn't like many of the storylines. The whole war torn... People divided plot lines wore thin for me.

    GTA V on the other hand absolutely blew me away. I didn't even finish the main story, and spent a lot of time online.

    But my PS3 broke, and I got a PS4, so I'm up **** creek as far as playing that game.

    It was a masterpiece though.
  10. SawdustMan

    SawdustMan #ChampChamp

    Well Skyrim was the first Elder Scrolls I ever played. And I missed Fallout 3 as well so I can't really compare. There were definitely things you could nitpick about the game (combat engine, glitches, etc.). But as an overall experience, it was the absolute s***. I honestly hadn't been that completely absorbed in a video game since probably the original KOTOR on xbox. It pretty much took over my life for a few months. I thought it about it while at the office. I even dreamed about it a few times lol. And I never get like that with games anymore. Hell, I had more fun just mixing potions and leveling up alchemy in Skyrim than I do with a lot of other games lol.

    GTA V is definitely a great game. It's no doubt in my top 3-5 of this generation. But it just didn't hook me like Skyrim. I haven't even finished GTA yet. I was about 2/3 through it then I got busy and haven't touched it in a couple months. And I'm not even really itching to get back to it (which would NOT have been the case with Skyrim) . I will eventually though. But Vice City still stands as my favorite GTA.

    There were lots of great games this generation, but 10/20/30 years from now when I think back on it Skyrim will always be the first game that pops in my head. The defining game of that generation for me. I certainly understand how it might be GTA for a lot of people though.
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