Xbox one PS4

Discussion in 'Video Games' started by titans92790, Jan 25, 2014.

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  1. 520

    520 2020 GOAT CHAMP from 3-7 to champ

    so wait on ps4 you have to pay (buy ps plus) to play games online?
  2. LosingBy3

    LosingBy3 Starter

    That's what I've heard. But it's nothing new, Xbox was a money sink since halfway through the 360's lifespan, but you couldn't watch netflix without a ****ing card. Microsoft can suck my nards, And keeping my PS3 just in case that kind of crap happens on my PS4.
  3. 520

    520 2020 GOAT CHAMP from 3-7 to champ

    I am officially sold on ps3 lol
  4. 520

    520 2020 GOAT CHAMP from 3-7 to champ

    how long do you think they'll keep online support for popular games like cod and madden
  5. Gunny

    Gunny Shoutbox Fuhrer


    You need PS+ for PS4, not PS3 though.

    Support will go on for ages. People still play it. Pretty sure COD modern warfare is still going strong.
  6. 520

    520 2020 GOAT CHAMP from 3-7 to champ

    so I buy a new ps3 from target a 12 gb one, bought ps plus cuz I wanted to download bioshock infinite and other games, and guess what, bioshock is like 50 gb haha so now I gotta go buy a new freaking harddrive

    but so far arkham origins kicks ass
  7. The Playmaker

    The Playmaker pineapple pizza party

    You don't have to have PS+ to play online but you should really really get it. You get free games every month (PS4, PS3, PS Vita) and a ton of discounts. I went ahead and bought a subscription for the next 2 years because of the black friday deal they had on it and since buying the PS4 I've gotten Resogun (fun arcade game), Don't Starve (entertaining, strategy), and Outlast (scariest ****ing game) for free. This doesn't include the free games you can already download like DC Universe, Warframe, and Blacklight Retribution.

    Also, if you create another PSN account but put in a European address (even Australia) you can download whatever PS Europe gives you for free as well. I currently have War Thunder downloading. If you have any further questions just google "War Thunder PS4 US Reddit"

    Even with all the free games I'm still mostly playing Killzone online, I would recommend holding off buying a PS4 until late February (so you can still get Outlast if you're into that sort of thing) or sometime in March and hope they have a bundle deal for Infamous.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  8. Ten_Titans

    Ten_Titans Pro Bowler

    I bought PS+.

    Mostly for the online play. But honestly the discounts and free games are awesome.

    I love playing those indie games, and you can just download them and see if they are good. I am still playing Don't Starve. Played about 2 hours into Outlast, but don't think I am going to finish it. Horror games either don't scare me at all, or scare me so bad I don't want to finish them. This is the latter.

    But mostly been playing BF4 and NBA2k14.

    Completely satisfied with the PS4 so far.
  9. The Playmaker

    The Playmaker pineapple pizza party

    Me and my roommates have been playing this game only at night with the lights totally off. Pretty sure we're eventually going to get noise complaints from the amount of screaming coming from our house. We're about to finish it, you eventually get used to it.

    also what's your PSN? We may be the only two on here with a PS4.
  10. Gunny

    Gunny Shoutbox Fuhrer

    Man can't wait to try Outlast.
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